News headline
Strategic Lighting (Europe) Limited
Narrow Lane End Works
64A Worple Road
KT18 7AG
Email. info@strategiclighting.com
Tel. +44 (0) 845 241 4631
Fax. +44 (0) 845 241 4632
LiniLED - STRIPLED - version 1
A professional OSRAM TopLED™ or Medium Power Duris™ based flexible strip LED ‘tape’ continuum benefiting superior durable protective enscasement to IP66. [ The Strategic Lighting Group will not warrant or support bare LED tape systems due to dust entrapment & fire hazard.] Stripled Flexi uses the latest SMD high output OSRAM LED’s for lighting ‘throws’ at *0.5 - 1.0metre in mono and *1 - 2 metre’s in RGB Deco version or *doubling of throw distances for Medium Power versions. [*depending on visual ambient levels]. 3.5W to 9.6W or less per metre for single monochromatic colours including warm & cool whites and 6W full colour RGB option. Made for quick & easy connection and cable clip mounting or fitment into U-channel profile. Stripled is flexible with a good bend radi to 30mm which can typically negotiate 90º bend details. Remote safe 24Vdc powering. Ideal for internal & external applications. Wide range of accessories.
Product Purpose & Meaning
The STRIPLED flexi PVC ‘tape’ continuum is founded on its
Construction & Finishes
Engineered PVC polymer continuum in white & clear.
Dimensional Drawings
Accessory Dimensional Drawings
Product Options
Key Attributes